A lot of people often think that when a person says (s)he is bisexual, they are just confused. *False Alarm*
Half of the gay people think that bisexual people are straight people looking for fun. So they dismiss any possibility of dating a bisexual person. On the contrary, most straight people think that bisexual people are closeted homosexuals. Hence, they woudn’t date any of us.

Just to clear out this air of confusion, we are people who get attracted to both females and males alike. That does not mean that we want the best of both worlds. No. Like everyone, we also long for a person who will unconditionally love us. And that person for us can either be a woman or a guy. It is as simple as that.

As for me, yes, I am bisexual. When I tell this to people, they snap out. They think that I am joking around and it’s just one of those stupid things I keep blabbering about. I know exactly why. It is because they have always known me to have girlfriends and not boyfriends. They have listened to me talking about only women and not men. Well this is for all of you out there, take me seriously when I say I am bisexual. I like men too. There’s a possibility that I might end up with a man. And if you have any problem (read: any) with this, come talk to me; we shall find a solution to YOUR problem together.

ps- This is neither an announcement nor a coming out story. I do not believe in the very concept of coming out. This is just me embracing my sexuality.

Thank you for reading. Have a good evening. 🙂